Email-to-Case in Salesforce

In this post, we will implement the Out-of-the-Box functionality Email-to-Case in Salesforce. Using Email-to-Case in Salesforce, we can send an email to specific email address that we can register and a Case will be created in Salesforce. We can also auto populate few of the fields.


Type Email-to-Case in Quick Find box and click on Email-to-Case under Feature Settings > Service. You might get to the Introducing Email-to-Case page. Check Don’t show me this page again checkbox and click Continue. Email-to-Case Settings page will open.

Email-to-Case Settings
Email-to-Case Settings

We need to download the Email-to-Case Agent. It allows us to keep all email traffic within our network’s firewall and to accept emails larger than 25 MB from customers. BUT if we enable the On-Demand Service, we don’t have to download and setup Email-to-Case Agent behind our network’s firewall.

In this implementation, we will go with the On-Demand Service. On the Email-to-Case Settings page, click on Edit. Check Enable Email-to-Case and On-Demand Service and click Save. There are many settings on this page, update it as per your business requirement. For the purpose of this implementation, we will keep it as default.

Routing Addresses

Next step is to add the Routing Address. On the Email-to-Case Settings page, click on New in the Routing Address section. Before that, make sure that Email2Case is selected in picklist beside New button. Add Routing Name and Email Address on Email-to-Case Routing Information page. This email address will be used by customers to send an email.

Under Task Settings, check Create Task from Email to automatically assign a task to the case owner when an email is submitted as a case. Select the Task Status or keep it default.

Under Case Settings, select the Case Owner, Case Priority. Select Case Origin as Email and click Save. Pop up will be displayed that we need to verify the email. Click Ok. Email-to-Case Routing Information should look like below:

Email-to-Case Routing Information
Email-to-Case Routing Information

Email Services Address should be created automatically. This email address can be used to create a Case. Once an email is sent to Email Services Address, Case will be created in Salesforce. But we don’t want to provide Email Services Address to the customer.

You should get an confirmation email in the inbox for the email provided earlier in the Email Address field. Follow steps mentioned in the email to verify the email address.

Email Forwarding

Last step is the Email Forwarding. We don’t want our customer to use Email Services Address to create Cases which is long and in unreadable format. Setup Automatic Email Forwarding in your Verified Email address to the Email Services Address so that email should be forwarded to Email Services Address when an email is sent to verified email address. Check this Google Support article to setup the Automatic Email Forwarding. Once the Automatic Email Forwarding is setup, we will get an confirmation email on Email Services Address and Case should be created in Salesforce. Open the Recent Case with subject something like Forwarding Confirmation. Go to Email Section of the Case and check the email from your Email Provider.

Forwarding Confirmation
Forwarding Confirmation

Click or open the Confirmation link mentioned in the Email and click on Confirm button. We are done!

Email-to-Case in Salesforce

Send an Email to verified Email Address and a Case should be created in Salesforce.

Email to Case in Salesforce
Email to Case in Salesforce
Email-to-Case in Salesforce
Email-to-Case in Salesforce

This is how we can implement Email-to-Case in Salesforce. Learn more about Email-to-Case in Salesforce documentation here.

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